Thursday, September 22, 2011

researching and presenting!

Here we are in Social studies reading up on community helpers. Then we had to present our findings to our friends!

Daily Five

We love Daily Five! It is what we call our reading block time where we get to practice reading, writing, word work, listening to reading and reading to others. Each day we choose what we'd like to do and then do it! We get one choice a day and take turns in the different stations. This is completely independent time and we are currently building stamina! Soon, Mrs. Jacobson will be pulling small groups to work with while the rest of us do our work on our own. We have only learned "read to self" and "work on writing" so far. Soon we'll know all five choices and be reading machines!

The Best Part of Me!

Here we are showing our best parts! We read a book titled The Best Part of Me and then we chose what our best part is.

Picture Day!

September 20, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Mrs. Jacobson has the best job in the whole world. Who wouldn't want to spend all day with these amazing kids!!!


We enjoyed celebrating our freedom this week by parading around our school. We are thankful to be Americans!


We played hopscotch to help us learn patterns too! Fun huh??

Our Classroom!