Saturday, October 8, 2011


We have been going nuts over colors! We've been painting and using all sorts of mediums to make colors. We've used oil pastels, watercolors, tempra paint, yarn, and even ICING to make primary and secondary color projects. Check our some of the fun here and please join us for our "Kinder Family Night" to see everything else we've created!

Daily 5!

Here we are in our Daily Five work stations. Each day we get to choose what type of literacy activity we'd like to work on while Mrs. Jacobson works with small groups on their reading. We sure love this quiet, uninterrupted time to learn how to read!


Each month at Team Time, Mrs. Cary hands out awards to classes that do the best with their CLE values. We won October's Fork and Spoon award for being the best behaved class out of all kinder and first grade classes! Then we had Grayden win the Tractor Pull contest at the fair last month! Look at his big trophy!!

Science- The five senses

We have had fun learning all about our five senses this week. We did many fun activities to learn that our senses make us aware of our world around us. Here we are having to find certain scents with our noses and taste different foods. We ended our unit by popping popcorn which allows us to use all five senses at one time!

CLE Family Picnic!

Wow, we had a great turn out for our first ever family picnic. We had hamburgers and enjoyed a nice long lunch with our families. Can't wait to do it again!

Our Classroom!