Monday, January 30, 2012

100th day of school!!

100 pieces of our favorite cereal!

soup, each ingredient had 100 pieces

writing: If I had 100 dollars, I would..

trail mix, 10 pieces of each to make 100

stylish hat!

Donuts for Dad

Rhyme Time

Our new mimio teach!!

Mrs. Jacobson wrote a grant and we received a Mimioteach! It's a device that turns our regular white board into a interactive smartboard! It is so cool and we LOVE it!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year~

So Mrs. Jacobson hasn't been the best blogger lately! My November and December were quite hectic, but I promise to go back and upload some photos that I didn't have in the newsletters. Here are a few new shots from recess today. Welcome Miss Bella, our new student! We love her already!

Our Classroom!